A wheen o wurds an’ a drap o tae

A wheen o wurds an’ a drap o tae

15,00 €
Join well known presenter, tour guide and Ulster Scots, Lolly Spence, for a relaxed and convivial chat about how we speak and spoke in Ulster.

When: Saturday 14 October, 2pm to 4pm
Location: Stranorlar
Venue: St Mary's Parish Centre, Main Street, Stranorlar, F93 EK52
More Details

Join Lolly for a relaxed and convivial chat about how we speak and spoke in Ulster! Lolly will give an informal introduction to the origins of the ‘Hamely Tongue’ and guide us in our (re)discovery of Ulster Scots. No experience needed-just a willingness to chat and share.
Together we will rediscover words and phrases we may have half-forgotten and maybe even learn the Ulster Scots origins of some of our rich expressions and share local and regional differences and similarities. 

About Lolly Spence

Lolly, a professional tour guide and published historian, leads tours all around the island of Ireland sharing her passion for all things historical and cultural. Fifteen years a producer at BBC NI, Lolly specialises in heritage, folklore and Ulster Scots Culture, including the Ulster Vernacular Weaver Poets of the 18th and 19th Centuries. She continues to broadcast on her passions, research for programmes, write, and create exhibits to celebrate forgotten stories. Recently in Walkin’ Hame, along with Mark Thompson, she explored the 300-mile Ulster leg of the International Appalachian Trail, from Larne to Donegal, meeting Shirley-Anne Godfrey on the way to learn all about Frances Browne. Her current C.S. Lewis tour in Belfast combines her love of literature and history. This is Lolly’s first time at our Festival and she is looking forward to visiting Frances’ homeland and sharing her love for Ulster Scots.
www.stonecircleconsulting.co.uk  www.hiddenulstertours.com