The Frances Browne Literary Festival
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The Frances Browne Literary Festival
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The Frances Browne Literary Festival
About The Frances Browne Multilingual Poetry Competition
The successful Frances Browne International Poetry Competition, pioneered by Celine Mc Glynn and Dr. Pauline Holland, has been an established event since 2008. The competition is unique in its tri-lingual approach, welcoming poets writing in the English, Irish and Ulster-Scots languages. Since the very first year, the team has been astounded by the volume of entries, and the high quality of the poetry. We believe this is because our competition fulfills a real artistic need for our communities to express themselves in their venacular languages.
The awards ceremony, traditionally held on the Friday night of the festival, is a truly unique and magical night of poetry, song, celebration and friendship. It enshrines the Frances Browne Literary Festival motto 'Treasure each Voice' with live readings of new poetry in all three languages. It celebrates and preserves our different voices, helps to brings new talent to the fore, and recognises that we are all connected by our literature and our land.
2024 Poetry Competition - Closed for entries
The 2024 Frances Browne Multilingugal Poetry Competition is closed for entries. The deadline for entries was midnight on 21st August 2024.
Tá Comórtas Filíochta Ilteangach Frances Browne 2024 dúnta d’iontrálacha. Ba é meán oíche an 21 Lúnasa 2024 an spriocdháta le haghaidh iontrálacha.
Poetry Categories and Prizes
We welcomed poems in the following categories from poets all over the globe.
- English Language - First Prize - €250, Second Prize - €100, Third Prize, €50
- Irish Language - First Prize - €250, Second Prize - €100, Third Prize, €50
- Ulster Scots Language - First Prize - €250, Second Prize - €100, Third Prize, €50
- The Eilish McBride Award - English Language - Local* - Sponsored by Edel MacBride - Winning Poem €100
- Irish Language - Local* - Winning Poem €100
- Ulster Scots Language - Local* - Winning Poem €100
Definition of 'Local'
The ‘Local’ category is open to individuals who were born in and/or are currently living in the Lifford-Stranorlar Municipal District of County Donegal. For details of this area please refer to the link o the Donegal County Council website, or contact the festival committee for confirmation. The Frances Browne Literary Festival Committee reserves the right to verify the information provided by the entrant as eligibility for this category. As the entry fee is per poem, there is no additional fee for entering poems in both the main and local categories.
2024 Instructions and Terms & Conditions
Submission instructions
- Poems must be accompanied by an entry form. The entry form can be completed via our online form, or MS Word document that can be either emailed or printed.
- There is no limit to the number of poems that can be entered.
- Each poem must be submitted as a separate file or document.
- Poems must be typed or very clearly written in black ink on one side of paper only.
- Online and emailed entries should have one of the following file formats: .doc, .docs or .pdf
- The name of the entrant must not appear on the poem itself.
Deadline for submissions
All entries must be submitted by midnight on 21st August 2024, regardless of the method of entry.
Entry Fee
The entry fee is EUR €5 / GBP £4 / USD $5 per poem.
No entry will be accepted until the appropriate entrance fee is paid.
Payment for entries must be received by midnight on 21st August 2024.
Longlist, Shortlist and Award dates
- The judges' longlists will be announced in the Finn Valley Voice and online on 14 September 2024
- The judges' shortlists will be announced in the Finn Valley Voice and online on 20 September 2024
- Winning entries will be announced and awarded on Friday 10 October 2024 in person at the Frances Browne Poetry Competition Awards Ceremony in Kee's Hotel, Stranorlar, Co. Donegal
Other terms and conditions
- All poems must be the unpublished, original work of a living author.
- Poems must not have been previously published, self-published, published on a website or broadcast.
- No alterations can be made to the poem once it has been submitted, and it is regretted that no entries can be returned.
- The judges' decisions are final and no correspondence can be entered into regarding those decisions.
- Copyright will remain with the competitor, but the Finn Valley Voice in association with the Frances Browne Literary Festival reserves the right to arrange first publication or broadcast of selected poems as it sees fit.
- No Frances Browne Literary Festival committee member or judging panel for the Frances Browne Poetry Competition may enter into the competition.
Data Protection and Publicity
- By submitting your entry along with your personal details, you agree to the Frances Browne Literary Festival and Poetry Competition committee storing and processing your contact details for the purpose of running the Competition. Your details will not be shared with any third-party organisations.
- You may opt out at any time. You may request deletion of your personal data at any time.
- You may request a copy of the personal data held on our files by emailing info@francesbrowneliteraryfestival.com
- Publicity
- In order to celebrate the Frances Browne Multilingual Poetry Competition, we undertake a range of online and other promotional activities.
- For longlisted poets, this activity may involve the publication of your name, county/ country on our website, social media channels and in the Finn Valley Voice
- For shortlisted poets and winners, this activity may involve the publication of your name, county/ country, your photograph and any online recording you or we make of you reading your poem(s). This activity may take place during in the run up to, during or after the 2024 Frances Browne Literary Festival. It may be on our website, social media channels and in the Finn Valley Voice.
- On your entry form you will be asked to confirm if you consent to your information being shared in this way. If you opt in at the time of entry, you may opt out of some or all of this publicity at any time by informing the Frances Browne Literary Festival Committee by email at info@francesbrowneliteraryfestival.com
Before submitting your entry, and paying the entrance fee, please ensure you have read all the entry instructions, and the full terms & conditions below. You will be asked to confirm this on your entry form.
Past Poetry Competitions
2023 Poetry Competition
Placed Poems
Our judges would like to thank everyone who submitted poems to the Frances Browne Poetry Competition. It was an extraordinary year and we were overwhelmed by your response. We hope to hear from you all in 2024.
Ulster Scots
First: Chalk, Anne McMaster, Co Derry
Second: The Wumman Who Birthed Seaborn, Angeline Kelly, Co. Antrim
Third: Postlude, Glen Wilson, Co Armagh
HC: Gowan-Like, Caroline Johnstone, Ayrshire
HC: Sheddas, David Atkinson, Co. Londonderry
HC: Tha Deeds, Glen Wilson, Co Armagh
HC: Tha Watch-Hoose Atap Tha Cliff, Angela Graham, Co Antrim
HC: The Back Medda, Fionnuala McNicholl, Co. Derry
First: Fear Raice, Ailbhe Nic Giolla Bhrighde, Co na Gaillimhe
Second: Foighid, Realtan Ni Leannain, Dublin
Third: Atlantach, Caitriona Lane, Co Galway
HC: Haiku, Cuimhní Cinn, Paddy Donoghue, Donegal
HC: Iníon, Eibhlís Carcione, Cork
First: Disguises, Deirdre Hines, Co Donegal
Second: Taking the Gloves, Paul Hennessy, Co Wexford
Third: God’s Garden, A.M. Cousins, Co Wexford
HC: Dust, Anne Rainey, Co. Antrim
HC: Hawthorn, Catherine Kay, Co Donegal
HC:Those Graveyard Sundays, Deirdre Hines, Co Donegal
HC:Travelling Dresses, Anne Rainey, Co. Antrim,
Local Category
Ulster Scots (1st): Sweetay Monae, Niall Iósaf Ó Gallochobhair, Co Donegal
Irish (1st): Tiomna an Chrainn Daortha, Anna Colhoun, Co. Dhún an nGall
Irish (HC):Cnoc an Bhogha, Niall Iósaf Ó Gallochobhair, Co. Dhún an nGall
English: The Eilish Carroll McBride Award (1st)
My Grandfather, Seamus McDermott, Co Donegal
Treasure Each Voice Award
Glen Wilson, Co Armagh
Spirit of the Festival Award
Angeline Kelly, Co. Antrim
2023 Poetry Awards - Readings
The motto of the Frances Browne Literary Festival is 'Treasure Each Voice'. A really important part of our Festival is hearing poets read their own works. We invite all our poets to attend our annual Awards event, where Highly Commended and Winning poets read to a live audience. We also ask them to make a special recording so they can share their works direct with you. You will find some of these recordings below.
Some of these poets are experienced and even published authors. Many are not.
2022 Poetry Competition
Thank you to everyone who entered our 2022 poetry competition.
Yet again we were overwhelmed by the number and standard of the entries. With poets from all over the world taking part we are delighted that our competition is not only multilingual but multinational.
Spirit of the Festival Award
Hills - Jennifer Leong, Singapore
Treasure Each Voice Award
Meid - Anthony Doogan, Moville, Co. Donegal
1st Place - An chéad áit - An Bhean san Uisce, Laoighseach Ní Choistealbha, Co Donegal
2nd Place - An Fear a Leag an Sceach Gheal. Eibhlís Carcione, Cork
3rd Place - Ainmhí - Laoighseach Ní Choistealbha, Co Donegal
Gealfhinne Máire - Anthony Doogan, Co Donegal
Ulster Scots
1st Place - Threads - Stephen Dornan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
2nd Place - Draim Leid - Glen Wilson, Co Armagh
3rd Place - Whit Wid Mamie Think? - Fionnuala McNicholl, Derry
Highly Commended
For a rebal maun scrieve on his rubber - Alan Millar, Co. Antrim
Ma Wee Dug - Elizabeth Kearney, Glasgow
1st Place - The Beloved - Tony Devlin, Dublin
2nd Place - You and Bonny Mary - Margaret Galvin, Co Wexford
3rd Place - Portballintrae - Glen Wilson, Co. Armagh
Highly Commended
Her Story - Laura Ní Néill, Co Waterford
Money Back Bottles - Seamus McDermott, Co. Donegal
Mountain of Desire - Clare McKay, Co Antrim
The Carer - Noreen Hunter, Co. Donegal
The New School - Breda Logue, Co Donegal
2021 Poetry Competition
Thank you to everyone who entered our 2021 poetry competition.
1st Place - An chéad áit - An Bhean san Uisce - Laoighseach Ní Choistealbha, Co Donegal
2nd Place - An Fear a Leag an Sceach Gheal - Eibhlís Carcione, Cork
3rd Place - Ainmhí - Laoighseach Ní Choistealbha, Co Donegal
Gealfhinne Máire - Anthony Doogan, Co Donegal
Ulster Scots
1st Place - Apsley's Newsagents Est 1903, Angeline King, Co. Antrim
2nd Place - Aa life is breath, Anne McMaster, Co Derry
3rd Place - Granda's Smittie Tongue, Fionnuala McNicholl, Derry
1st Place - Takings - Caroline Bracken, Dublin
2nd Place - Benedictus - Sandra Mary Chambers, Staffordshire, England
3rd Place - Indigenous - Ruth O'Shea, Limerick
Frances Browne Literary Festival Committee © 2024