Deadline approaching for Poetry Competition

With just nine days to go we've been overwhelmed by the response to our poetry competition so far.

The writer of this blog is, thankfully, not one of the judges! My job is to receive the entries, make sure they are in line with our competition rules, and get them ready for forwarding. The joy of this is that I get to read all the entries, without the pressure of having to pick a favourite. Which is lucky, because this year I would have a lot of favourites so far!! :-)

There is still time to submit your poems to our competition. The deadline is 20th August at midnight.

We genuinely love to receive all your poems and all get an equal reading. Entries are submitted 'blind' to the judges, so they have no idea of the identity of the poet. Poems are read and considered on merit alone.

So whether you are new to poetry, or have a drawer full of poems going back years, be sure to pick your own favourites and send them in. Or maybe you know someone else who needs a little boost of encouragement and confidence to send in an entry.

We welcome poets of all ages and backgrounds, from all over the world.

Help us honour the spirit of Frances Browne and Treasure Each Voice.

All details are on our Poetry Competition page.

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