We are delighted to announce the shortlist for each category of our 2022 Frances Browne Multilingual Poetry competition.
We have been overwhelmed by the number and standard of the entries and thank everyone who has taken part. It's been a truly difficult job for the judges to get to a shortlist, never mind to settle on the winners.
The winners will be announced at our Awards Ceremony which will take place on Friday 14th October in Kee's Hotel, Stranorlar starting at 8pm. Our winning poets will be reading from their poems, and we will be entertained by local musicians. Entry to this event is free.
We are looking forward to launching our programme in the coming days. It is packed full of events for everyone - poets, aspiring writers, indeed anyone with an interest in the creative arts. Sign up to our newsletter to get details of the programme launch and events as they go live.
We hope to see you at our Festival and wish all our poets the best of luck in the competition!